Philippe Ruttens through Life & Co BVBA/SPRL is a Belgium-registered company and can be contacted on

We respect your privacy and want to let you know we will collect your data in the following ways:


We use cookies on our site to personalise content, provide social media features, and analyse our traffic. Please click on the cookie banner if you consent to this. You can change your mind and change your choices at anytime by returning to this site. We also use Hotjar and Google Analytics to track visitor behaviour on our website but no personal data.



When you register for our newsletter or fill in a questionnaire, we will ask you to fill in various personal information, such as but not limited to:
- Email address
- First and last name
- Company name
- Your company goals

By sending us your email address you agree to us sending you regular newsletters, information and special offers until you unsubscribe. 

We collect the information about your concerns and what you would consider so we can send you information more relevant to you and your situation.

We do not share your data with anyone else or transfer your data to anyone outside the EU.  Please send us an email at if you wish us to delete your data at any time or simply unsubscribe (available at bottom of each email sent). We do NOT spam with too many emails or irrelevant content, our newsletter will be sent around once a month maximum!